Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To Subject: Bolles Hill Road Bridge – maintenance requested

Letter to be sent to Highway superintendent and Town Clerk

To Subject:  Bolles Hill Road Bridge – maintenance requested
Whom it may concern.

The barn side of the Bolles Hill Road Bridge requires some road bed maintenance.  Since the temporary bridge has been installed, the local traffic and the recent rain have exposed a big mud puddle in the approach – the part of the bridge that carries the traffic to the bridge.
Please see the enclosed photos for the exact location.
I am requesting that this road maintenance be planned, scheduled and performed before the first snow storm and following winter conditions.
I believe that if the maintenance is not performed that this current situation of the standing water and mud hole will change to a potential dangerous situation in the winter with the freezing. 

Thank you for your attention and I look forward to your response in the near future.