Sunday, July 31, 2011

FYI – UPDATE – Pledge form created, published and distributed - pledges start to flow in

FYI – UPDATE – Pledge form created, published and distributed

Working all day and late into the night Saturday  and Sunday volunteers kicked off  of the Bolles Hill Road (BHR) – Save the Bridge Campaign  this weekend.
Many thanks to the volunteers  computers, paper & envelops, gas, personal time, brain power and leg power to get it done.   Here’s what we accomplished:
·         Created the fund raising campaign strategy
·         Developed a  schedule with check point and completion dates
·         Created a 2 page fund raising letter with schedule
·         Created a pledge form
·         Coordinated the entire effort over the internet and telephone
·         Printed 70 copies and stuffed 70 envelops
·         Leg work – hit the road and distributed to the residents of Bolles Hill Road, Mead Road, Pleasant View Drive, Apalachin, Little Meadows, and local business.
·         Published the fund raising letter and pledge form via email and BHR blog
·         Developed pledge tracking system
The success of the day was when the pledges and phone calls started coming in.
We have a tight very short timeframe for raising the $10,000 to save the bridge.
Special thanks to Paul & Vivian Novak, Sue & Dave Diehl, Bob & Donna Gemmel, Dave Hellman, Pat Brown and Ann Hoffman.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Closing Bolles Hill Road Bridge for two or more years or forever? Can you make a pledge to keep it open? Bolles Hill Road (BHR) Save the Bridge Campaign

Title - Closing Bolles Hill Road Bridge for two or more years or forever?  Can you make a pledge to keep it open?  Bolles Hill Road (BHR) Save the Bridge Campaign
To the residents of Bolles Hill Road, Mead Road, Pleasant View Drive, Apalachin, Little Meadows, and local business -- HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps you all remember the discussions in 2010 regarding the closure of the Bolles Hill Bridge in Little Meadows, PA.  Little Meadows (LM) said that State funding would be available for a permanent bridge in 2011.  Although the State funding will cover the majority of the bridge cost LM has to come up with approx. 45k for made promises that in 2011 the "PERMANENT" bridge would to go in.

That bridge is slated to be removed in SEPTEMBER 2011
by order of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).  Little Meadows Borough Council has yet to fully commit to the permanent replacement bridge this year because of funding issues due to the unexpected storm damage to other Borough roads and bridges sustained this year with an already tight budget. 
In trying to come up with the shortfall LM contacted the Town of Owego, NY for 10k in assistance but the Town of Owego rejected this request.  That leaves the possibility of replacement in jeopardy which means the residents and local businesses need to come up with $10,000 to cover the cost of the loan payment for the first two years of the 10 year loan.
We are already at over $1,000 due to two Little Meadows representatives promised contributions and a personal commitment by one NY resident.  

BUT.....what are the residents and their families, school buses, fire, ambulances and friends going to do without the Bolles Hill Bridge??  The alternate routes are not even close to a good option!  If you have not done so recently; travel Harnick and Gaylord roads.  Imagine Mid-Winter or after a heavy rain or even late at night.  Traveling that road is scary without extreme weather conditions.  While you are using your imagination, think about your need for fire personnel or an ambulance.

I see the need for the full $10,000 to be pledged. 

Timeframe to organize the - BHR Save the Bridge Campaign –
July 30th - Aug 15th – Communicate the need, spread the word, and begin to collect pledges.
Aug 16th- Aug 22nd – Continue to spread the word and collect the pledges.  Determine the proper method for accepting the funds and transfer to legitimate account.
Ongoing – report progress to goal with donors and LM.

Pledge form for - BHR Save the Bridge Campaign Pledge Form
The pledges will be due to be paid in full during the month of September 2011. 
CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION (Your personal information is kept confidential)
Last Name: ________________________________, First Name: _______________________________
MI: ____
Street Address: ___________________________________ City: ____________________ State ___ Zip
Telephone Numbers: Home (______)_____________________ Work:

I would prefer that this contribution and/or my name be kept confidential. Thanks
I wish to keep this pledge anonymous. (Name and address)
I wish to keep my pledge amount confidential. (amount)

 $5,000  $2,500  $1,000  $ 500  $100  $50  Other: $______________________

Pledges can be made by email or by phoning Bob at 607-625-5821, or mail to: Bob Gemmel 2876 Bolles Hill Road, Apalachin, NY  13732
Fine print: Contributions to the BHR Save the Bridge Campaign may or may not be deemed charitable.  Please consult your accountant for any clarifications prior to making   pledge. 

What to do next-
  • Please consider the impact the bridge closing will have on you and your family
  • Please make the best pledge that you feel comfortable making
  • This is a one-time only, very short campaign – make your pledge ASAP - by Aug 15th
  • Any other ideas and volunteer of your time and efforts to contact and collect pledges from local business and residents is appreciated. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

unofficial reply from Owego Town - status

Just got an unofficial reply from Owego Town Supervisor Don Castelluci on the status of the request to support the Little Meadows request for $10,000 for the Bolles Hill Road Bridge, the answer is NO.
The Town of Owego council members say: No – board members could not get past the fact that the bridge is in PA.
I’ll be developing PLAN-C  tonight residents & local business support to- Save The Bridge Pledge Campaign – I’ll ask for a pledge (confidential & anonymous) reply to judge the feasibility of whether we can raise the entire $10,000.  If I receive enough positive feedback we’ll go from there and map out the rest of the details.
I’ll email you and everyone else Saturday, once I flesh it out.
Thanks for your support and value your ideas – if you want to call me I’ll be home all weekend.  607-625-5821.
If you want to volunteer to do any door to door neighbor canvassing let me know.
Please send this email to anyone else that has an interest in seeing the bridge replaced.  I’ll post updates to the Bolles Hill Bridge blog:
Don’t give up hope; I think as a neighborhood we can secure enough pledges to make this happen.
Bob Gemmel 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Town of Owego meeting report Tuesday 7-19-2011

Re: Bolles Hill Road Bridge – Town of Owego meeting report
I went to the Owego meeting Tuesday 7-19-2011

Town of Owego meeting - 14 Bolles Hill Residents there to request Town of Owego support for the construction of the permanent Bolles Hill Road Bridge. 
Don Castellucci discussed the actions he took to contact Mr. Sames PA DEP to lobby for leaving in the current culvert.  He also discussed many other competing priority projects as result of the spring flooding.
Little Meadows Mayor Vivian Noavk and Little Meadows Councilman Ralph Aspling came to the meeting to explain the Little Meadows situation and answer questions.  Vivian stated that the Borough loan for the bridge had been approved.  They discussed the endless options they have tried and are down to looking for help from Town of Owego.  They discussed the limited resources and small population base as the primary reason they are seeking additional funding. 
Many of the Bolles Hill residents spoke to the Town’s past support and requested help once again to assure that there is no further disruption to replacement of the bridge.  There was much discussion on the history of mutual cooperation and support between the Town of Owego and Little Meadows in the past.
We made the case that leaving in the existing temporary culvert is not a viable option, that this is the time construct the permanent bridge and we cannot miss this opportunity.  I asked that we could have a decision by the next meeting.  This would provide the residents a little time to raise the funds from private individual donations to cover the $10,000 required.  I also stated that I would send an email with a PDF file of Penn DOT drawing of the proposed new bridge.
Don Castellucci Town Supervisor and town Council will hold an executive work session July 28th to work on the Little Meadows funding request to determine the response.  Mr. Casstellucci and the Town Council will have their response for the August 2nd Town of Owego meeting.
Steve Czarnecki expressed appreciation to the board for their support in the past and recommended that when they look at this request they look at it in a wider scope of the entire network of roads and bridges that serve Bolles Hill. 
Residents felt optimistic after the meeting for the positive response from Don Castellucci and felt positive for possible future support from the Town of Owego. 
However – many discussed after the meeting in the parking lot alternative plans or alternative approaches to solving the problem.  Anything - from pledges, approaching Little Meadows businesses, funding raising and private donations. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

next Town of Owego Meeting - Tuesday July 19, 2011 7 PM

next Town of Owego Meeting - Tuesday July 19, 2011 7 PM

Please attend the meeting to provide support for the replacement of the Bolles Hill Road.
Turnout at the meetings has been sending a positive message; it shows the representatives how much we care.

Here’s a quick summary of where we are:

Little Meadows Borough
Little Meadows Borough expects approval of the loan to finance the  Bridge this week or next.
Little Meadows Borough needs $10k over next two years or they cannot start the project.

Town of Owego
Don Casstelluci phone call to lobby Penn DEP to allow existing temp bridge to stay till 2013.
(resident talked with Penn DEP today – DEP want permanent bridge or existing bridge comes out Sept 2011)
We’ll ask that Town of Owego fund the $10,000 Little Meadows request.

Attending the meeting of both Owego and Little Meadows.
Lobbying to replace the temporary bridge with permanent bridge.
We’re reacting to the changing circumstances.
In the worst case that Town of Owego rejects the request to pay the $10,000 –  We will work to collect pledges to cover the $10,000 from local residents and business.
#1 priority – Town of Owego to approval the Little Meadows Borough request to fund the $10,000 by August 1, 2011.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Little Meadows Borough Meeting July 11, 2011

Little Meadows Borough Meeting   July 11, 2011
Charlie Fahringer discussed the meeting with Don Castelluci Town of Owego Supervisor and Dean Morgan Deputy Supervisor & Councilman from Town of Owego – explained the Little Meadows Borough finical status, bridge status and requested them to help fund the $10,000.
Charlie Fahringer discussed the status on the Bolles Hill Road replacement project.
He said “It needs to happen now!”
He has and board has looked at each and every option available to them to make the bridge project happen.   They have worked with the PA State Representative Tina Pickett.  Charlie credited Tina Pickett for making it possible to apply for the Bolles Hill Road bridge loan ($46,000 – total with interest $51,000). 
Status of individual items:
-          Bolles Hill Road Bridge Loan – pending approval – expected notice of approval next week or week after.
-          Proposed schedule:
o   Aug -Bids for bridge go out
o   Sept - contract award; Remove existing temporary bridge
o   Oct-Nov-Dec – build new permanent bridge
Bottom line- the existing temporary bridge is being removed in September 2011.   Little Meadows needs a commitment for the $10,000 or the permanent replacement bridge will not be replaced in 2011 and may never be replaced in the future.
Bob Gemmel discussed and provided updates on July 5th meeting with Town of Owego and status of Don Castelluci action items of contacting PA DEP and possibility to bring it back to board next meeting.  Sue Diehl, Anne Hoffman, Pat Brown, and other  Bolles Hill Residents discussed many items from the bridge history; the resident’s charity efforts to victims’ affected by the 2006 flood, efforts to help Little Meadows with the existing temporary bridge and the Shared services agreement with Town of Owego.   As well as much discussion on how health, safety, emergency services will be impacted; plus the impact of school buses having to travel Harnick Road.
Conclusion and group consensus: In order to ensure that the permanent bridge is constructed – Little Meadows needs a $10,000 from the Town of Owego (could be two annual payments).   If Town of Owego cannot or will not fund the $10,000 the only other option is for residents to come up with the $10,000.  If the $10,000 cannot be raised the bridge will close (perhaps permanently).
Bob Gemmel will contact Charlie Fahringer after the Town of Owego meeting to report the status.
8 Bolles Hill residents in attendance.


Bob Gemmel
2876 Bolles Hill Road
Apalachin, NY  13732

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reminder: Next Little Meadows Borough meeting - tomorrow night 7/11/2011


Next Little Meadows Borough meeting

Is it 2nd Monday of month -  July 11th at 7PM!

If you can please attend.

Bob Gemmel

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Town of Owego Meeting
July 5, 2011
Don Castellucci and Dean Morgan Deputy Supervisor & Councilman met with Charlie Fahringer.  He said they listened to the Little Meadows Borough request for $10,000 and the reasoning of LM that the need about $5k for the first two years of the loan payment for the $51k the LM is borrowing for the bridge.
Don Castulluci said that would:
Option# 1 –  He will contact the PA DEP and see if they will agree to leave the existing bridge in place, till LM can afford the permanent replacement bridge 2013. 
Option #2 - if option # 1 fails.  Bring the issue back to the board to determine if there is Councilman for support of the payment.
Next meeting Little Meadows.   2nd Monday of month - July 11th at 7PM.
Please send this email to anyone else that has an interest in seeing the bridge replaced.  I’ll post updates to the Bolles Hill Bridge blog:
Bob Gemmel
2876 Bolles Hill Road
Apalachin, NY 13732

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Re: Bolles Hill Road Bridge – Town of Owego meeting

Re: Bolles Hill Road Bridge – Town of Owego meeting 
I plan on attending tonight.
Town of Owego meeting tonight 7 PM 
Don Castellucci  Town Supervisor is well versed with the Bolles Hill Road Bridge history and the Town’s support in the past; he is very sensitive to the needs of the Bolles Hill Road and Frank Mead Road residents, as well as other factors that affect the Safety, Fire and Emergency response effected by potential of bridge closure.
Don Castellucci and Dean Morgan Deputy Supervisor & Councilman will work to determine the response for the July 5th Town of Owego meeting
Please send this email to anyone else that has an interest in seeing the bridge replaced.