Bolles Hill Bridge project status - Green -
Quick update on Bolles Hill Road Bridge-
5 of us from the hill attended the Town of Owego Board meeting on 9/1/2009
Dave Ferris Highway supervisor reported that Charlie Fahringer Little Meadows Board member that Little Meadows has gotten the necessary Engineering seal and approval from DEP to proceed with project.
Dave has the necessary culvert ready and is working with Judy Quigley, Town Attorney to prepare a SSA Shared Services Agreement – 1 for the temporary bridge project – and 1 to cover the snow plowing in the winter.
Judy said it is about a 3-4 month process to get it prepared, presented, Public Hearing, and signing.
Attitude of all Town of Owego officials was positive and can do attitude.
I feel optimistic after the meeting, but will continue to attend the meetings, till construction is completed.