Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Part two -- quick video – up Harnick Road and Down Bolles Hill Road.

Part two --  quick video – up Harnick Road and Down Bolles Hill Road.

This is for folks who have never gone over Harnick Road and Bolles Hill Road.

This is to illustrate to the current state of the roads from the spring storm damage .

Go here to see the video

Let me know what you think

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Video - Up Bolles Hill Road and down Harnick

Went out and drove up Bolles Hill Road and down Harnick.
This would be the detour route if the bridge is closed.
to see video go here:


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Re: Bolles Hill Road Bridge – Town of Owego meeting report


Outstanding Town of Owego meeting tonight - 8 Bolles Hill Residents there to request Town of Owego  support for the construction of the permanent Bolles Hill Road Bridge. 
Don Castellucci  is well versed with the Bridge history and the Town’s support in the past; he is very sensitive to the needs of the Bolles Hill Road and Frank Mead Road residents, as well as other factors that affect the Safety, Fire and Emergency response effected by potential of bridge closure.
Many of the residents spoke to the Town’s past support and requested help once again to assure that there is no further disruption to replacement of the bridge.
 Don Castellucci Town Supervisor and Dean Morgan Deputy Supervisor & Councilman will work to determine the response.  Council was supportive and will have their response for the July 5th Town of Owego meeting
Residents after the meeting felt optimistic for the positive response from Don Castellucci and felt positive for future support from the Town of Owego.  

Monday, June 20, 2011

More Information on Bridge

Last year the PA DEP, very reluctantly gave the Borough a one year extension for the temporary Bolles Hill bridge only if the old two pipes were removed and replaced with a new oval single sluice pipe without a divider and that a dip in the road was added above the bridge.  The Borough was told last year that this extension was for only one year and no further extensions would be granted.
Before the recent storm damage Little Meadows applied for a loan to cover the cost of bridge replacement and engineering costs.  The cost to the Borough for the $46,000  loan will be $5,000 per year for ten years which will considerably stress their already very limited budget.  A full commitment by the Borough Council for the replacement of the Bridge means that the Borough actually accepts the loan once it is offered and signs on the bottom line.  The loan is specifically for the bridge and that money can only be used for the bridge.  Some Council members are voicing serious concerns over the cost of servicing the loan over the next two years (equaling $10,000).  They are currently paying on an earlier 5 year loan that was for roadwork done last year.  The Little Meadows Borough is only 2 square miles and is currently operating on roughly $45k a year.

Closing Bolles Hill Road Bridge Although the Bolles Hill Bridge is tentatively scheduled for replacement in the Oct/Nov time frame 2011, there has been some unexpected developments.

  • I got a call, unofficially, yesterday from a Little Meadows Town official updating me on the latest status of the Bolles Hill Bridge.  Here’s the latest status and what we can do to help.
    Bolles Hill Road Bridge Status
    Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has ordered Little Meadows Borough to remove our bridge on Bolles Hill Rd. by September, 2011. 
    As a result of the bridge being removed, access to NY from Bolles Hill Rd and Frank Mead Road from PA would no longer be possible.  The road would be closed until 2013 unless they vote to proceed with the construction of the proposed new bridge projected for this year.  The vote is expected very soon.
    The Little Meadows Borough Council has yet to fully commit to the permanent replacement bridge because of funding issues due to the storm damage to other Borough roads sustained this year with an already tight budget.  The Bolles Hill Bridge is lower priority to some on the Council than the maintenance of the other Borough roads.  The Borough has already raised taxes last fall to deal with budget issues and is not willing to raise them again.  They also recently met with PA state officials to try to get additional funding but none is available other than a low interest loan mentioned below. 
    The total amount of money in question is $10,000.  This is the amount Little Meadows needs to fund the bridge replacement and repair this year’s unexpected storm damage.   The Town has few options:·        
    Borrow the money
  • ·         Request benefactor grants from residences above the bridge and local business to fund all or a significant part of $10,000
  • ·          Defer the Bolles Hill Bridge construction till 2013.  However, there is concern this option could put in jeopardy the bridge completion ever happening.

What we can do

  • ·         Voice your support for Little Meadows Board to continue with the planned permanent bridge replacement this year.
  • ·         Go to Owego Town meeting Tuesday night (June 21) and request that they help and fund the $10,000.  The Borough has already sent a letter to the Town of Owego requesting monetary assistance and it is on the Owego meeting agenda.
  • ·         Residents fund the $10,000 by collecting the money for Bolles Hill residents and local Little Meadows business
  • ·         Any other ideas

I’m going to the Owego meeting Tuesday, I’ll report on the meeting.
Please send this email to anyone else that has an interest in seeing the bridge replaced.  I’ll post updates to the Bolles Hill Bridge blog: 

Bob Gemmel