Monday, June 20, 2011

More Information on Bridge

Last year the PA DEP, very reluctantly gave the Borough a one year extension for the temporary Bolles Hill bridge only if the old two pipes were removed and replaced with a new oval single sluice pipe without a divider and that a dip in the road was added above the bridge.  The Borough was told last year that this extension was for only one year and no further extensions would be granted.
Before the recent storm damage Little Meadows applied for a loan to cover the cost of bridge replacement and engineering costs.  The cost to the Borough for the $46,000  loan will be $5,000 per year for ten years which will considerably stress their already very limited budget.  A full commitment by the Borough Council for the replacement of the Bridge means that the Borough actually accepts the loan once it is offered and signs on the bottom line.  The loan is specifically for the bridge and that money can only be used for the bridge.  Some Council members are voicing serious concerns over the cost of servicing the loan over the next two years (equaling $10,000).  They are currently paying on an earlier 5 year loan that was for roadwork done last year.  The Little Meadows Borough is only 2 square miles and is currently operating on roughly $45k a year.

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